Monday, January 11, 2010

This. Is. The Reboot.

Director Sam Raimi has left the Spider-Man franchise and now Sony is saying that they plan to start the series over starting with a new movie summer 2012. Two things have to happen to this franchise and they can take notes from the Batman franchise to solve both problems. Number one, they need to start making good movies, because let's face it the first one was the only one that was decent. Number two, make good video games. I never would of thought it would be so hard to make a video game based on Spider-Man but somehow they keep on failing. Once again they need to take notes from Batman. It's hard because Batman is a dark story and Spider-Man relies on humor and by no means am I suggesting Spider-Man become dark but come on make something good come out of this franchise that's not just printed on paper. Ok, I'm done being a N.E.R.D for the day.

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